Loading Local Data
You may also want to see the Chromoscope Python package, which allows you to load local files on computational notebooks.
You can run a local file server to display local files on Chromoscope. This enables you to safely visualize your private files. There are multiple light and easy-to-install file servers. In this page, we will use http-server for the demonstration.
Run Local File Server
You first need to install the file server called http-server. To install it, you need to first install a package manager, npm.
To install npm, please refer to the official documentation: https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm#using-a-node-installer-to-install-node-js-and-npm
After installing the npm, you can use it to install http-server. For example, run the following command on your terminal.
npm install http-server -g
Now you can run the server on the designated folder.
http-server ./path-to-your-folder --cors -c-1
Note that the --cors
option allows the browser to access your files.
Now, you can browse files that are located under the selected folder using your browser. For example, open on the browser.
Also see https://stackoverflow.com/a/16350826
Create Data Config
Using the URL of the local files, you can make a data config. For example, the following example specify two local files (i.e., SV and CNV).
"id": "SRR7890905",
"cancer": "breast",
"assembly": "hg38",
"sv": "",
"cnv": ""
Use Local Data Config
You can also put this local data config (say, local-config.json
) under the folder hosted by your http-server. You should be able to open the data config file on the browser using
If you open the following URL, you should be able to open the data config on your browser.
Open Browser
As a last step, use the data config you created to browse your local files in Chromoscope.