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Data Configuration

You can load a large number of samples through data configurations. You need to (1) make a data config file (.json) that contains the information for individual samples, (2) store the config file in a HTTPS file server (e.g., AWS S3 or GitHub Gist), and (3) use it with the external parameter of the Chromoscope URL:


// example

For each sample, you need to prepare the following information in a JSON object.

idstringRequired. Unique ID.
cancerstringRequired. Type of a cancer.
assembly'hg38' or 'hg19'Required. Assembly.
svstringRequired. An URL of the SV bedpe file (.bedpe).
cnvstringOptional. An URL of the CNV text file (.tsv).
driversstringOptional. An URL of a file that contains drivers (.tsv or .json).
vcfstringOptional. An URL of the point mutation file (.vcf).
vcfIndexstringOptional. An URL of the point mutation index file (.tbi).
vcf2stringOptional. An URL of the the indel file (.vcf).
vcf2IndexstringOptional. An URL of the indel index file (.tbi).
bamstringOptional. An URL of the BAM file (.bam).
baistringOptional. An URL of the BAM index file (.bai).
notestringOptional. A textual annotation.

A single-sample example:

"id": "7a921087-8e62-4a93-a757-fd8cdbe1eb8f",
"cancer": "ovarian",
"assembly": "hg19",
"sv": "",
"cnv": ""

A multi-sample example:

"id": "SRR7890905",
"cancer": "breast",
"assembly": "hg38",
"drivers": "",
"sv": "",
"cnv": "",
"bam": "",
"bai": "",
"note": "This is a test note"
"id": "bc0dee07-de20-44d6-be65-05af7e63ac96",
"cancer": "gastric",
"assembly": "hg19",
"sv": "",
"cnv": "",
"vcf": "",
"vcfIndex": "",
"vcf2": "",
"vcf2Index": "",
"note": "This is a test note"