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Breast Cancer Co-amplifications

The amplifications of chromosomes 8 and 11 in breast cancer co-occur. An inspection of these loci with Chromoscope shows that the amplifications are often connected by inter-chromosomal translocations, implicating the derivative chromosome 8/11 as an early event in their formation.1 The segments of loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) adjacent to the amplicon loci are consistent with this model of amplicon origin. The visualization highlights commonalities in features of the amplicons across 23 samples, as featured in a recent study on the origin of these amplicons.2

  1. Głodzik, D. et al. Mutational mechanisms of amplifications revealed by analysis of clustered rearrangements in breast cancers. Annals of Oncology, 29(11), 2223-2231 (2018).
  2. Lee, J. J. K., Jung, Y. L., et al. ERα-associated translocations underlie oncogene amplifications in breast cancer. Nature, 1-9 (2023).